10 Common URL Problems and How to Fix Them

    When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), the URL structure plays an important role. The URL is the first thing that crawlers notice while indexing your website. Search engines consider URLs as a ranking factor, and a well-optimized URL structure can have a positive impact on your website’s visibility, user experience, and conversion rate. However, URL structures can also lead to several issues that can negatively impact your website’s performance. In this article, we’ll discuss ten common URL problems that websites face and how to fix them.

    1. Long, Complex URLs

    A long, complex URL can significantly impact page loading speed and user experience. Moreover, it can be challenging for search engines to read and understand long URLs, leading to indexing issues.

    How to Fix: You can simplify your URL by removing unnecessary query parameters, subfolders, and stop words. Keep the URL length under 60 characters and use hyphens to separate words to provide better readability for search engines and users.

    2. Canonicalization Issues

    When a website contains duplicate content on different URLs, it can create confusion for search engines about which page to index. This issue is known as canonicalization. Duplicate content can lead to a lower search ranking and affect the user experience.

    How to Fix: You can resolve this issue by implementing canonical tags on your webpages. The tag directs search engines to index the preferred version of your web page. It eliminates the chances of duplicate content penalties and helps improve ranking.

    3. URLs with Session IDs

    Session IDs are unique codes generated by websites to track user sessions. URLs with session IDs can cause problems for search engines and affect website ranking. Moreover, session IDs can expose sensitive information about users and compromise website security.

    How to Fix: Use cookie-based tracking and avoid using session IDs in your URL. If you must use them, ensure that search engines don’t index the pages with session IDs by using nofollow/noindex tags.

    4. Broken Links and Broken URLs

    Broken links and URLs are a common issue that affects website ranking and user experience. A broken URL can lead to a 404 error code, indicating that the page is not found.

    How to Fix: You can resolve broken URL issues by redirecting your pages to active URLs. Use 301 redirects for permanently moved pages and 302 redirects for temporarily moved pages.

    5. URLs without Keywords

    URLs without keywords make it difficult for search engines to understand the page’s content. Keywords in URLs have a significant impact on search engine ranking and page relevance.

    How to Fix: Use relevant, keyword-rich URLs that reflect the content of the page. Place primary keywords at the beginning of the URL and use hyphens to separate words.

    6. URLs with Stop Words

    Stop words are a common part of the English language that includes words like “a,” “an”, “the,” etc. Using stop words in URLs can create confusion for search engines and make the URLs less meaningful.

    How to Fix: Eliminate stop words from your URLs to make them more meaningful and easy to index by search engines.

    7. Case Sensitivity in URLs

    URLs are case sensitive, which means that uppercase and lowercase letters are treated differently by search engines. URLs with inconsistent case use can create duplicate content and affect website ranking.

    How to Fix: Use a consistent URL case structure by choosing lowercase letters or uppercase letters for all URLs. Avoid having URLs that differ only in the case of the letters.

    8. Dynamic URLs

    Dynamic URLs are URLs that contain query parameters, such as product IDs, categories, or search parameters. Dynamic URLs can make it challenging for search engines to index and understand the page content, resulting in lower ranking and relevance.

    How to Fix: Use static URLs to make it easier for search engines to index and understand page content. If using dynamic URLs is necessary, implement URL rewriting to convert them into more readable, user-friendly URLs.

    9. Multiple URLs for the Same Page

    Multiple URLs for the same page can create duplicate content issues, leading to lower website ranking and user experience.

    How to Fix: Consolidate multiple URLs into a single, preferred URL. Use 301 redirects to redirect the other URLs to the preferred URL.

    10. Ignoring Mobile URLs

    With the rising number of mobile users, it’s crucial to optimize your URL structure for mobile devices. Ignoring mobile URLs can lead to lower ranking and reduced visibility for your website.

    How to Fix: Use mobile-responsive design and implement mobile-friendly URLs. Use responsive design to optimize the content layout for different screen sizes, and use m-dot URLs for mobile-specific versions of web pages.


    Optimizing your website’s URL structure is crucial for improving website visibility, user experience, and conversion rates. With these ten common URL problems and their fixes, you can ensure that your website URL structure is optimized for search engine optimization, resulting in improved ranking and user experience.

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