5 Clean Code Practices Every Software Engineer Should Follow

    Software engineering is a complex process that requires expertise and a lot of attention to detail. Writing clean code can help make software engineering more manageable. It is essential to create software with code that is easy to understand, modify, and maintain. Clean code is not only crucial for maintenance, but it is also more efficient, easy to test, and more secure.

    In this article, we outline 5 clean code practices that every software engineer should follow.

    1. Write code for humans, not just machines

    One of the essential clean code practices is writing code for humans. It is easy to forget that the code you write is not just for machines to interpret, but for humans to read and understand. It is essential to write code that is easy to read, understand, and modify.

    Here are some tips to write code that is easy for humans to interpret:

    • Use meaningful variable and function names: Variables and function names should be self-explanatory. Avoid using vague or misleading names, as it will confuse programmers who read the code.
    • Use comments to clarify code: Make use of comments to make code more readable and explain what the code does.
    • Avoid complex expressions: Complex code is hard to understand. Break up complex expressions into smaller, more readable expressions.
    • Write code in a consistent style: Consistent coding style makes code more readable and easier to comprehend.

    2. Keep code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself)

    Code duplication is a common occurrence in software engineering. Duplicated code is not only more challenging to maintain but also error-prone. Repeating the same code across multiple functions or modules is a sign that there is something wrong with the overall design.

    The Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle is a software design pattern that aims to reduce code duplication. The DRY principle states that every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

    Here are some tips to keep code DRY:

    • Extract common code to functions or modules: When you find yourself repeating the same code over and over again, it is time to abstract it into a function or module.
    • Use inheritance or composition: Reuse code through inheritance or composition rather than copying and pasting code.
    • Avoid hardcoded constants: Hardcoding values into code makes it less flexible. Extract constants to a central configuration repository.

    3. Limit function size and complexity

    Functions should be concise and do only one thing. Long and complex functions are difficult to read, test, and maintain. Splitting functions into smaller ones not only makes the code more manageable but also more modular.

    Here are some tips to limit function size and complexity:

    • Aim for short functions: Keep each function short and focused on a single task. Short functions are easier to understand and test.
    • Reduce nesting: Avoid overly nested code, as it is more challenging to read. Find ways to flatten the code structure by refactoring.
    • Reduce parameters: Functions that take too many parameters are hard to use. Limit the number of function parameters to three or fewer.
    • Avoid global variables: Global variables can make code difficult to understand and test. They can also interfere with other functions in the code.

    4. Write Testable Code

    Testing is a crucial aspect of software engineering. It is essential to ensure that software functions as expected before it is released. Writing testable code helps make the testing process more manageable and more accurate.

    Here are some tips to write testable code:

    • Use functional programming techniques: Write functions that produce predictable and deterministic results based on their inputs.
    • Use dependency injection: Inject dependencies into functions to improve testability.
    • Avoid using static methods: Static methods can be problematic for testing because they cannot be mocked or stubbed.
    • Avoid global state: Global state can be problematic for testing. Prefer to use local state where possible.

    5. Use Version Control System

    Version control systems (VCS) like Git are essential tools for software development. VCS makes it easier to manage code changes and isolate issues in the code. VCS also helps with collaboration by allowing multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously.

    Here are some tips to use version control system:

    • Create branches: Creating branches makes it easier to work on new features or bug fixes without affecting the main codebase.
    • Commit regularly: Committing often makes it easier to track code changes and roll back to previous versions if there is a problem.
    • Write descriptive commit messages: Write commit messages that describe the changes made to the code.
    • Learn to use VCS commands: Learn how to use VCS commands to manage the code history.


    Writing clean code is essential for software development. Clean code is easier to understand, modify, maintain, and test. The practices outlined in this article will help you write clean code that is more efficient, more secure, and easier to maintain. Remember to keep code DRY, write testable code, limit function complexity, and use version control systems. Also, remember to write code for humans, not just machines.

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