Angular Pipes: Everything You Need to Know to Boost Your App's Performance
Angular Pipes performance manipulating data transforming data UI built-in pipes custom pipes chaining pipes pipe arguments tips and tricks

José Matos

21 Mar 2023

Angular Pipes: Everything You Need to Know to Boost Your App's Performance

    Angular Pipes: Everything You Need to Know to Boost Your App's Performance

    Angular Pipes is a powerful tool that helps to manipulate data and transform it to display in the UI. Pipes are a critical part of Angular, and knowing how to use them can drastically increase your app’s performance.

    In this article, we will explore everything about Angular Pipes, from the basics of what they are, to the advanced techniques you can use to take full advantage of them.

    What is an Angular Pipe?

    An Angular Pipe is a feature that allows you to transform data before displaying it in your app. Pipes take in data as an input, perform some operation on it, and then return the transformed data, which is then displayed in the UI.

    Angular has a variety of built-in Pipes that you can use, such as the DatePipe and CurrencyPipe. You can also create your custom pipes that suit your app’s specific needs.

    Working with Pipes

    Working with Pipes in Angular is easy. To use a built-in pipe, you need to add the pipe name in the template where you want to display the transformed data. For example, if you want to display the current date, you can use the DatePipe like this:

    {{ today | date }}

    This code will display the current date in the default date format provided by the DatePipe.

    Creating Custom Pipes

    You can create custom pipes in Angular to transform data more efficiently. To create a custom pipe, you need to create a class decorated with the Pipe decorator. The Pipe decorator takes the pipe name and optional arguments.

    Here is an example of creating a custom pipe that capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string:

    @Pipe({ name: 'capitalize' })
    export class CapitalizePipe implements PipeTransform {
      transform(value: string): string {
        if (!value) {
          return null;
        return value.replace(/\b\w/g, (l) => l.toUpperCase());

    In this example, we created a CapitalizePipe class using the Pipe decorator. The transform method takes the value argument, which is the data we want to transform. The transform method returns the transformed data.

    Pipe Chaining

    Angular allows you to chain multiple pipes together, which can be handy when you need to transform data in several steps. You can pipe the output of one pipe to the input of another pipe by separating them with the pipe symbol.

    For example, you can chain the DatePipe and CurrencyPipe together to display the current date in a currency format like this:

    {{ today | date | currency }}

    This code will display the current date in the default date format provided by the DatePipe and the currency format provided by the CurrencyPipe.

    Pipe Arguments

    Pipes can take arguments, which allow you to customize the way data is transformed. Arguments are provided as comma-separated values inside the parentheses.

    For example, you can customize the DatePipe’s format by providing an argument like this:

    {{ today | date:'MM/dd/yyyy' }}

    This code will display the current date in the ‘MM/dd/yyyy’ format.

    Pipe Tips and Tricks

    Now that we understand how to work with Pipes in Angular, here are some tips and tricks that can help you use Pipes more efficiently:

    1. Avoid Using Pipes Inside Loops

    Pipes can be expensive, especially when used inside loops. When you use a pipe inside a loop, the pipe runs for each iteration, which can significantly impact your app’s performance.

    To avoid this, try to use Pipes only where necessary and outside loops. If you need to use a Pipe inside a loop, consider caching the data or using a custom pipe, which can be more efficient.

    2. Use Pure Pipes Where Possible

    Angular Pipes can be either Pure or Impure. Pure Pipes are the default and perform their transformation only when their input changes. Impure Pipes are triggered on every change detection cycle and can be expensive.

    To improve the performance of your app, try to use Pure pipes as much as possible. If you need to use Impure pipes, make sure you are doing so intentionally and avoid using them unnecessarily.

    3. Avoid Creating Unnecessary Pipes

    Creating too many Pipes can lead to performance issues, especially if they are not used efficiently. Before creating a new Pipe, consider whether you can achieve the same result using an existing Pipe or a different approach.

    4. Combine Multiple Pipes into One

    Instead of using multiple Pipes to transform data, try to combine them into one Pipe. This can improve performance by reducing the number of times the data needs to be transformed.


    Angular Pipes are a powerful feature that allows you to transform data in your app’s UI. By using Pipes efficiently, you can significantly boost your app’s performance and enhance the user experience.

    In this article, we explored everything you need to know about Angular Pipes, from the basics of what they are to the advanced techniques you can use to take full advantage of them. We also provided some tips and tricks for using Pipes more efficiently.

    Remember to avoid using Pipes unnecessarily, use Pure Pipes where possible, and combine multiple Pipes into one where applicable. With these techniques, you can create an efficient and performant Angular app that delivers a great user experience.

    © 2023 Designed & Developed by José Matos.