Angular Template Syntax Demystified: An Essential Guide for Developers
Angular template syntax data binding directives pipes web development dynamic web applications maintainable code scalable code

José Matos

22 Mar 2023

Angular Template Syntax Demystified: An Essential Guide for Developers

    Angular Template Syntax Demystified: An Essential Guide for Developers

    Angular is a comprehensive framework for building scalable and maintainable web applications. It provides a lot of features, including templates, data binding, directives, pipes, and much more. In this article, I will focus on Angular templates and data binding.

    Angular templates are HTML-based views that define the user interface of an application. They help developers to separate the presentation logic from the business logic of an application. Angular templates use a special syntax to facilitate data binding, which is the automatic synchronization of data between the model and the view.

    Understanding Angular Template Syntax

    The Angular template syntax consists of several building blocks, including:

    • Interpolation
    • Property binding
    • Event binding
    • Two-way binding
    • Directives
    • Pipes


    Interpolation is a way to embed dynamic values into the template. It uses double curly braces {{ }} to wrap the expression. For example:

    <p>{{ message }}</p>

    The message variable can be a string, a number, a boolean, or even an object. Angular automatically updates the view when the value of the variable changes in the component. Interpolation can also be used for concatenating string values, as shown in the following example:

    <p>{{ message + ' ' + name }}</p>

    Here, the message and name variables are concatenated with a space.

    Property Binding

    Property binding is a way to set dynamic values to an HTML element's property. It uses square brackets [] to wrap the binding expression. For example:

    <img [src]="logoUrl" alt="Logo" />

    The logoUrl variable is bound to the src attribute of the img element. This means that the image source will be updated automatically whenever the value of the variable changes in the component.

    Property binding can be used with any HTML element's property, including style and class attributes. For example:

    <p [style.color]="color">{{ message }}</p>
    <div [class.highlight]="isHighlighted">{{ content }}</div>

    Here, the style and class bindings are used to change the color and highlight the content dynamically.

    Event Binding

    Event binding is a way to handle user events, such as click, input, and submit. It uses parentheses () to wrap the event handler expression. For example:

    <button (click)="onClick()">Click Me</button>

    The onClick() method in the component is executed when the button is clicked.

    Event binding can also pass the event object as a parameter to the event handler. For example:

    <input (input)="onInput($event)">

    The onInput($event) method in the component can access the value of the input element using the property.

    Two-Way Binding

    Two-way binding is a way to bind data to an HTML element's property and listen for changes to that property. It uses the combination of square brackets [] and parentheses () to wrap the binding expression. For example:

    <input [(ngModel)]="firstName">

    The ngModel directive is used to bind the firstName variable to the value attribute and listen for changes to the input element's value. This means that the value of the variable and the input element will be updated automatically whenever either of them changes.

    Two-way binding can be used with any HTML element's property that supports both property binding and event binding.


    Directives are a way to add custom behavior to an HTML element. There are two types of directives in Angular: structural directives and attribute directives.

    Structural directives change the structure of the HTML DOM by adding or removing elements based on a condition. The *ngIf directive is a structural directive that removes or adds the element based on the truthiness of the expression. For example:

    <div *ngIf="show">{{ message }}</div>

    The message variable is displayed inside the div element only if the show variable is true.

    Attribute directives change the appearance or behavior of an HTML element. The ngClass directive is an attribute directive that adds or removes CSS classes based on a condition. For example:

    <div [ngClass]="{ 'highlight': isHighlighted }">{{ content }}</div>

    The isHighlighted variable determines whether the highlight CSS class is added to the div element.


    Pipes are a way to transform data before displaying it in the view. There are several built-in pipes in Angular, including:

    • DatePipe
    • UpperCasePipe
    • LowerCasePipe
    • CurrencyPipe
    • DecimalPipe
    • PercentPipe

    These pipes can be used to format dates, strings, numbers, and currencies. For example:

    <p>Today is {{ today | date:'yyyy-MM-dd' }}</p>
    <p>{{ message | uppercase }}</p>
    <p>{{ price | currency:'USD':'symbol':'1.2-2' }}</p>

    The date, uppercase, and currency pipes are used to format the today, message, and price variables, respectively.


    Angular templates and data binding are powerful features that make it easier to build dynamic and responsive web applications. The Angular template syntax provides a concise and expressive way to define the user interface of an application and facilitate data synchronization between the model and the view. Understanding the various bindings and directives is essential for building scalable and maintainable applications with Angular.

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