Developing Angular Apps: An Overview of the Perfect Development Environment
Angular JavaScript web applications development environment Nodejs NPM IDE Git Angular CLI app development

José Matos

19 Mar 2023

Developing Angular Apps: An Overview of the Perfect Development Environment

    Developing Angular Apps: An Overview of the Perfect Development Environment

    Angular is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks used today to develop web applications. It’s an open-source framework developed and maintained by Google. It’s known for its ability to create rich, dynamic, and responsive user interfaces. In this article, we’re going to talk about setting up the perfect development environment for building Angular apps.

    The Tools You Need

    Before we dive into setting up our development environment, let’s take a look at the tools we need to get started.

    Node.js and NPM

    Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It allows developers to run JavaScript code outside of a browser. We need Node.js to install the Angular CLI, which is a command-line interface for Angular.

    NPM, on the other hand, is a package manager for Node.js. We’ll be using NPM to manage the dependencies and packages required by our Angular project.

    An IDE or Code Editor

    You can use any text editor to write code in Angular, but an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or code editor can make your life a lot easier. Some popular options are Visual Studio Code, WebStorm, and Sublime Text.


    Git is a version control system that allows you to keep track of changes made to your codebase. We’ll be using Git to manage our project’s source code and collaborate with other developers.

    Setting Up the Perfect Development Environment

    Now that we have all the necessary tools, let’s set up the perfect development environment for building Angular apps.

    Step 1: Install Node.js

    The first step is to install Node.js on our machine. You can download the latest version of Node.js from the official website Choose the version that’s compatible with your operating system and run the installer.

    After installing Node.js, verify that it’s installed correctly by running the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

    node -v

    This command should display the version number of Node.js installed on your machine.

    Step 2: Install Angular CLI

    Now that Node.js is installed on our machine, we can use Node Package Manager (NPM) to install the Angular CLI. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

    npm install -g @angular/cli

    This command will install the latest version of the Angular CLI globally on your machine. To verify that Angular CLI is installed correctly, run the following command:

    ng version

    This command should display the version number of Angular CLI installed on your machine.

    Step 3: Create Your First Angular App

    With Angular CLI installed on our machine, we can create our first Angular app. Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you want to create your app.

    Run the following command to create a new Angular app:

    ng new myapp

    This command will create a new Angular app called “myapp” in the current directory. Angular CLI will set up the basic folder structure and install all the necessary packages and dependencies.

    Step 4: Run Your Angular App

    Once your Angular app is created, navigate to the app directory using the following command:

    cd myapp

    To run your Angular app, use the following command:

    ng serve

    This will compile your code and start a development server at http://localhost:4200/. You can open this URL in your browser to see your Angular app running.


    Setting up the perfect development environment for building Angular apps is easy and straightforward. With Node.js, NPM, an IDE or code editor, and Git, you have everything you need to build amazing Angular applications.

    In this article, we covered the basic steps for setting up a development environment for Angular, from installing Node.js to creating and running your first Angular app. Armed with this knowledge, you’re ready to dive into the wonderful world of Angular development.

    © 2023 Designed & Developed by José Matos.