From TDD to BDD: A Deep Dive into the Different Types of Frontend Testing and How They Benefit Your Code
frontend testing unit testing integration testing end-to-end testing acceptance testing software development bugs code maintenance code refactoring

José Matos

10 May 2023

From TDD to BDD: A Deep Dive into the Different Types of Frontend Testing and How They Benefit Your Code

    From TDD to BDD: A Deep Dive into the Different Types of Frontend Testing and How They Benefit Your Code

    Testing is essential for building high-quality software applications. It helps you catch bugs early on, ensures that your code works as intended, and makes it easier to maintain and refactor your code over time. When it comes to frontend development, there are several types of testing methodologies you can use to ensure your code works as intended. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the different types of frontend testing, including unit testing, integration testing, end-to-end testing, and acceptance testing.

    Unit Testing

    Unit testing is the practice of testing individual components of your application in isolation. The goal of unit testing is to verify that each component works as intended. To do this, you create test cases for each unit of code you want to test. For example, if you had a function that added two numbers together, you would create a test case that checks that the function returns the correct result for a given set of inputs.

    One of the benefits of unit testing is that it makes it easier to catch bugs early on in the development process. By testing each component in isolation, you can quickly identify the source of any errors and fix them before they become more significant problems. Unit testing also makes it easier to refactor your code over time since you can be confident that your changes aren't breaking any existing functionality.

    function add(x, y) {
      return x + y;
    test('add function', () => {
      expect(add(1, 2)).toBe(3);

    In this code example, we have a simple function that adds two numbers together. We then have a unit test that checks that the function returns the correct result for a given set of inputs. The test case uses the Jest library's expect function to check that the output of the add function is equal to 3 when called with the inputs 1 and 2.

    Integration Testing

    Integration testing is the practice of testing how different components of your application work together. The goal of integration testing is to verify that the different parts of your application can communicate and collaborate effectively. To do this, you create test cases that simulate the interaction between different components of your application.

    One of the benefits of integration testing is that it helps you identify any issues that arise when different components are combined. It can also help you catch problems that might not show up during unit testing, such as issues with database access or external API calls.

    import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
    import App from './App';
    test('renders learn react link', () => {
      const linkElement = screen.getByText(/learn react/i);

    In this code example, we have an integration test that checks that our React App component renders a link with the text "learn react." The test case uses the @testing-library/react library's render function to simulate the rendering of the component. It then uses the screen.getByText function to locate the link element on the page and the expect function to check that the element is in the document.

    End-to-End Testing

    End-to-end testing is the practice of testing your application from start to finish. The goal of end-to-end testing is to verify that your application works as intended in a real-world scenario. To do this, you create test cases that simulate user interactions with your application, including clicking buttons, filling out forms, and navigating between pages.

    One of the benefits of end-to-end testing is that it helps you identify any issues that arise when different parts of your application are combined. It can also help you catch problems that might not show up during unit or integration testing, such as issues with user authentication or data validation.

    describe('book a flight', () => {
      it('should allow user to book a flight', () => {
        cy.get('#flight-search-from').type('New York');
        cy.get('#flight-search-to').type('Los Angeles');
        cy.get('.flight-list .flight-item:first-child .book-flight-button').click();
        cy.contains('Confirm Booking').click();

    In this code example, we have an end-to-end test that checks that the user can book a flight on a hypothetical flight booking website. The test case uses the Cypress library's cy object to simulate user interactions with the website, including filling out form fields, clicking buttons, and validating the presence of certain elements on the page.

    Acceptance Testing

    Acceptance testing is the practice of testing your application against a set of criteria. The goal of acceptance testing is to ensure that your application meets the requirements specified by the project stakeholders. To do this, you create test cases that validate that your application works as intended according to the project requirements.

    One of the benefits of acceptance testing is that it helps you align your development efforts with the larger project goals. By ensuring that your application meets the specified requirements, you can be confident that your code is delivering value to the project stakeholders.

    Feature: Flight Booking
      As a user,
      I want to book a flight
      So that I can travel to my desired destination
      Scenario: Book a flight
        Given I am on the home page
        When I search for a flight from "New York" to "Los Angeles" on "2022-02-01"
        Then I should see at least one flight option
        When I select the first flight option
        And I confirm the booking
        Then I should see a booking confirmation message

    In this code example, we have an acceptance test written in the Gherkin language, a popular way of specifying acceptance criteria. The test case specifies the requirements for booking a flight, including searching for a flight, selecting an option, and confirming the booking. By validating that the application meets these requirements, we can ensure that our development efforts are aligned with the project goals.


    Frontend testing is an essential part of building high-quality software applications. By using a mix of unit testing, integration testing, end-to-end testing, and acceptance testing, you can ensure that your code works as intended in a variety of scenarios. Each type of testing offers its own benefits and helps you catch different types of bugs, making it easier to maintain and refactor your code over time. Whether you're building a small personal project or a large enterprise application, incorporating testing into your development workflow is an investment that will pay off in the long run.

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