How to Use Angular Animations for Improved UX and Better Performance
Angular Animations UX Performance HTML Component trigger transition animate style parallel animations sequence animations interactive dynamic faster responsive

José Matos

29 Mar 2023

How to Use Angular Animations for Improved UX and Better Performance

    How to Use Angular Animations for Improved UX and Better Performance

    Angular Animations is a powerful feature that can enhance both user experience and performance of Angular applications. Animations provide an interactive and dynamic user interface that can engage users and convey important information. Additionally, well implemented animations can reduce loading times and make the application feel faster and more responsive. In this article, we will learn how to use Angular Animations to improve user experience and performance.

    What are Angular Animations?

    Angular Animations provide a way to add animations to HTML elements within an Angular application. With Angular Animations, it is possible to animate changes in an application’s state such as elements that become visible or hidden, elements that move, or elements that change size or color. Animations can be triggered by a variety of events such as mouse hover, click, or touch events. Angular Animations provide a way for the developer to specify how an animation should start, how it should end, and how long it should take to complete.

    Getting Started with Angular Animations

    To use Angular Animations in your application, you must first add the BrowserAnimationsModule module to your Angular module imports. You can do this by adding the following line to your app.module.ts file:

    import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
      imports: [
    export class AppModule { }

    With BrowserAnimationsModule added, you can begin to define animations for your application. You can define animations using either the @Component decorator or the @HostBinding and @HostListener decorators. For this article, we will focus on defining animations using the @Component decorator.

    To define an animation using the @Component decorator, you must first import the trigger and transition functions from the ‘@angular/animations’ module. You can then define a trigger object that describes the animation to be applied to a specific element. The trigger object specifies the name of the trigger, the state transitions, and the timing parameters.

    Here is an example of how to define an animation trigger for a button that fades in and out when clicked:

    import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
    import { trigger, transition, animate, style } from '@angular/animations';
      selector: 'app-button',
      template: '<button [@fadeInOut]>Click me</button>',
      animations: [
        trigger('fadeInOut', [
          transition(':enter', [
            style({ opacity: 0 }),
            animate('300ms ease-out', style({ opacity: 1 }))
          transition(':leave', [
            animate('300ms ease-out', style({ opacity: 0 }))
    export class ButtonComponent { }

    In this example, we’ve defined an animation trigger called fadeInOut. The trigger specifies two state transitions: one for when the button element is added to the DOM (’:enter’) and one for when the button element is removed from the DOM (’:leave’). The ‘:enter’ transition specifies a starting style of opacity 0 and an ending style of opacity 1 over a duration of 300 milliseconds. The ‘:leave’ transition specifies only an ending style of opacity 0 over a duration of 300 milliseconds.

    Finally, we’ve added the @fadeInOut decorator to the button element in the component’s template. This tells Angular to apply the fadeInOut animation trigger to the button element.

    Advanced Animations

    While the example above demonstrates a simple animation, there are many more advanced animations that can be used to create complex user experiences. Here are a few examples of advanced animations that can be used in your Angular applications:

    Parallel Animations

    Parallel animations allow multiple animations to occur simultaneously. You can create parallel animations by adding multiple animation steps to the same transition.

    For example, the following code creates a parallel animation that moves and fades a button when hovered over:

      selector: 'app-button',
      template: '<button [@hoverAnimation]>Hover me</button>',
      animations: [
        trigger('hoverAnimation', [
          transition(':enter', []),
          transition(':leave', []),
          transition(':increment, :decrement', [
              animate('200ms ease-out', style({ transform: 'translateY(-10px)', opacity: 0 })),
              animate('150ms ease-out', style({ color: 'red' }))
    export class ButtonComponent { }

    In this example, we’ve defined a parallel transition that is triggered when a button is hovered over. The transition specifies two animations that should occur simultaneously: the button should move up and fade out while the text color turns red. The duration and easing of each animation can be adjusted as needed to create the desired effect.

    Sequence Animations

    Sequence animations allow for finer control over the order in which animations occur. You can create sequence animations by adding multiple animation steps to the same transition and specifying an animation delay for each step.

    For example, the following code creates a sequence animation that bounces a button three times:

      selector: 'app-button',
      template: '<button [@bounceAnimation]>Bounce me</button>',
      animations: [
        trigger('bounceAnimation', [
          transition(':enter', []),
          transition(':leave', []),
          transition(':increment, :decrement', [
              animate('200ms ease-out', style({ transform: 'translateY(-30%)' })),
              animate('200ms ease-out', style({ transform: 'translateY(0%)' })),
              animate('200ms ease-out', style({ transform: 'translateY(-10%)' })),
              animate('200ms ease-out', style({ transform: 'translateY(0%)' })),
              animate('200ms ease-out', style({ transform: 'translateY(-5%)' })),
              animate('200ms ease-out', style({ transform: 'translateY(0%)' }))
    export class ButtonComponent { }

    In this example, we’ve defined a sequence transition that is triggered when a button is clicked. The transition specifies six animations that should occur in sequence: the button should move up and down three times with decreasing amplitude. The durations and easing of each animation can be adjusted as needed to create the desired effect.


    Angular Animations can greatly enhance the user experience and performance of Angular applications. By using Animations, you can create dynamic, engaging interfaces that provide feedback to users and make your application feel more responsive. With support for parallel and sequence animations, Angular Animations provide a powerful toolset for creating complex animations that can really make your application stand out. So go ahead and start experimenting with Angular Animations in your applications today!

    © 2023 Designed & Developed by José Matos.