Mastering Angular Templates: Best Practices for Beginners
Angular templates data binding best practices beginners pipes performance maintainability readability DOM manipulation

José Matos

22 Mar 2023

Mastering Angular Templates: Best Practices for Beginners

    Mastering Angular Templates: Best Practices for Beginners

    Angular is a frontend development framework that allows developers to build complex and dynamic web applications with ease. One of the core features of Angular is its use of templates, which are used to generate the HTML that is rendered on a user's browser.

    In this article, we will explore the best practices for working with Angular templates, specifically in relation to data binding.

    Data Binding in Angular

    Data binding is the process of connecting data from a component to a template. In Angular, there are two types of data binding:

    • One-way data binding: Data flows only from the component to the template.
    • Two-way data binding: Data flows from the component to the template and vice versa.

    One-way data binding is used when you only need to display data from the component in the template. This is done using interpolation, property binding, or event binding.

    Interpolation allows you to bind a component's property to a template expression using double curly braces {{}}. For example:

    {{ myProperty }}

    Property binding is used to bind a component's property to a DOM element property. This is done using square brackets []. For example:

    <input [value]="myProperty" />

    Event binding is used to bind a DOM element event to a component method. This is done using parenthesis (). For example:

    <button (click)="myMethod()">Click Me</button> 

    Two-way data binding is used when you want to allow the user to update the data in the template and have it automatically update the component. This is done using [(ngModel)]. For example:

    <input [(ngModel)]="myProperty" />

    Now that we understand the basics of data binding in Angular, let's explore some best practices for working with templates.

    Best Practices for Working with Angular Templates

    Keep Templates Simple and Intuitive

    Angular templates should be easy to understand and navigate. To achieve this, keep your templates as simple as possible. Avoid adding too many elements or complex logic.

    One way to keep templates simple is to use the built-in Angular directives, such as ngIf and ngFor. These directives allow you to conditionally render elements or loop through arrays. For example:

    <div *ngIf="user.isLoggedIn">
        Welcome back, {{}}!
        <li *ngFor="let item of items">

    The code above only includes necessary elements for rendering dynamic content provided from the component.

    Use Pipes for Formatting Data

    Often, you will need to format data before displaying it to the user. In Angular, you can use pipes to format data. Pipes are a special kind of directive that takes in data and returns a formatted version of it.

    Angular comes with several built-in pipes, including currency, date, and uppercase. You can also create your own custom pipes.

    To use a pipe, simply add it to the template expression using the pipe character (|). For example:

    {{ price | currency }}

    In this example, the currency pipe formats the price variable as currency according to the user's locale.

    Using pipes keeps your presentation logic separate from your component logic, allowing for easier maintenance and readability.

    Use TrackBy to Improve Performance of ngFor

    When using ngFor to loop through an array, Angular needs to compare each item in the array to its previous state to determine if it needs to update the DOM. This can be a costly operation, especially for large arrays.

    To improve performance, use trackBy to tell Angular which property to track instead of using the whole object. This way, Angular only has to compare the specified property instead of the whole object. For example:

        <li *ngFor="let item of items; trackBy: trackByFn">

    In this example, trackByFn is a method in the component that returns a unique identifier for each item in the array. This allows Angular to track changes more efficiently.

    Minimize DOM Manipulation

    Manipulating the DOM can be a costly operation, especially if you have a lot of elements on the page. To minimize DOM manipulation, avoid using structural directives like ngIf and ngFor inside nested elements.

    For example, if you have a component that displays a list of users and each user has a list of orders, it may be tempting to use ngFor inside ngFor to display the orders. However, this can lead to unnecessary DOM manipulation.

    Instead, use a separate component for the orders and simply pass the orders array to it. This way, Angular only has to update the specific component and not the whole DOM. For example:

    <div *ngFor="let user of users">
        <h2>{{ }}</h2>
        <app-orders [orders]="user.orders"></app-orders>


    Angular templates and data binding are powerful tools for building dynamic web applications. By following these best practices, you can create templates that are easy to understand, maintain, and performant. Remember to keep your templates simple and intuitive, use pipes for formatting data, use trackBy for performance, and minimize DOM manipulation when possible.

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