Real-world Examples of Angular Forms and Validation: How These Angular Developers Solved Common Challenges
Angular forms Angular validation Angular developers real-world examples common challenges practical solutions form validation techniques

José Matos

01 Jul 2023

Real-world Examples of Angular Forms and Validation: How These Angular Developers Solved Common Challenges

    Real-world Examples of Angular Forms and Validation: How These Angular Developers Solved Common Challenges

    Real-world Examples of Angular Forms and Validation: How These Angular Developers Solved Common Challenges

    As an Angular developer, one of the essential skills you need to master is working with forms and validation. Whether you're building a simple contact form or a complex data entry form, having a solid understanding of how to implement forms and validation in Angular is crucial. In this article, we'll explore some real-world examples of Angular forms and validation and how developers overcame common challenges.

    <h2>1. Simple Contact Form</h2>
    <p>Let's start with a simple contact form. In this example, we want to collect the user's name, email address, and
        Angular provides two-way data binding that allows us to bind form inputs directly to variables in our
    <pre><code>&lt;input type="text" [(ngModel)]="name" name="name" required&gt;</code></pre>
    <p>The <code>[(ngModel)]</code> syntax handles both reading and writing the value of the input element. The
        attribute is used for validation, and the <code>required</code> attribute ensures that the user must provide a
    <h2>2. Form Validation</h2>
    <p>Next, let's discuss form validation. Angular provides several built-in validators that we can use to validate
        form inputs.
        For example, to validate an email address, we can use the <code>EmailValidator</code> class.</p>
    <pre><code>import { FormControl, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
    email = new FormControl('', [Validators.required,]);</code></pre>
    <p>In this example, we create a new <code>FormControl</code> instance for the email input with two validators:
        and <code>email</code>. If the input value is empty or not a valid email address, the form will be considered
    <h2>3. Custom Validators</h2>
    <p>Sometimes, the built-in validators may not be enough for our specific requirements. In such cases, we can create
        validators to validate the form inputs. Let's say we want to create a custom validator that checks if the value
        in a password input contains at least one uppercase letter.</p>
    <pre><code>import { AbstractControl, ValidatorFn } from '@angular/forms';
    export function uppercaseValidator(control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: any } | null {
        const value = control.value;
        if (value && !/[A-Z]/.test(value)) {
            return { 'uppercase': true };
        return null;
    <p>In this example, we define a custom validator function <code>uppercaseValidator</code> that takes an
        <code>AbstractControl</code> as a parameter. Inside the function, we check if the input value contains at least
        uppercase letter using a regular expression. If the condition is not met, we return an object with the
        property set to <code>true</code> to indicate that the form is invalid. Otherwise, we return <code>null</code>
        to indicate
        that the form is valid.</p>
    <h2>4. Async Validation</h2>
    <p>In some cases, we may need to perform server-side validation or make an asynchronous call to validate a form
        input. Angular
        provides a way to handle async validation using the <code>AsyncValidator</code> interface.</p>
    <pre><code>import { FormControl, AsyncValidatorFn } from '@angular/forms';
    import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
    export function uniqueEmailValidator(emailService: EmailService): AsyncValidatorFn {
        return (control: FormControl): Observable&lt;{ [key: string]: any } | null&gt; => {
            const value = control.value;
            return emailService.checkEmailAvailability(value).pipe(
                map(isAvailable => {
                    return isAvailable ? null : { 'notAvailable': true };
    <p>In this example, we create a custom async validator function <code>uniqueEmailValidator</code> that takes an
        email service as a parameter. Inside the function, we return a function that takes a <code>FormControl</code>
        and returns
        an <code>Observable</code> of an object with the <code>notAvailable</code> property set to <code>true</code> if
        email is not available. We use the <code>map</code> operator to transform the result of the server-side
        validation into
        the expected format.</p>
    <h2>5. Form Submission</h2>
    <p>Finally, let's discuss form submission. In Angular, we can handle form submission using the <code>ngSubmit</code>
    <pre><code>&lt;form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()"&gt;
      &lt;!-- form inputs --&gt;
      &lt;button type="submit"&gt;Submit&lt;/button&gt;
    <p>In this example, when the user clicks the submit button, the <code>onSubmit()</code> method in our component will
        be called.
        Inside this method, we can handle the form submission logic, such as sending the data to a server or performing
        necessary actions.</p>
    <p>Working with forms and validation is a critical part of developing Angular applications. By understanding and
        these common form and validation techniques, you'll be able to create robust and user-friendly forms that meet
        application's requirements. Remember to combine built-in validators with custom validators and handle
        asynchronous form
        validation when necessary. With practice and experience, you'll become a proficient Angular developer when it
        comes to
        forms and validation.</p>

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