Using Async Pipe in Angular: Simplify Your Application Development
Angular AsyncPipe asynchronous data Observable Promise reactive programming simplifying code automatic change detection memory leaks efficient responsive

José Matos

22 Mar 2023

Using Async Pipe in Angular: Simplify Your Application Development

    Using Async Pipe in Angular: Simplify Your Application Development

    Angular is the most popular framework for building web applications. One of the reasons behind its success is its powerful and flexible data-binding system. Angular provides various tools and features to handle your data efficiently, and one such tool is Angular pipes.

    Angular pipes allow you to transform and format your data before displaying it to the user. They are used in templates to manipulate data before it is rendered. Angular comes with some built-in pipes, such as DatePipe, CurrencyPipe, and JsonPipe, but you can also create your custom pipes.

    In this article, we will focus on the AsyncPipe, which is a powerful pipe for handling asynchronous data in Angular applications. We will discuss what the AsyncPipe is and how it works. We will also see how to use it to simplify your application development.

    Understanding Asynchronous Data in Angular

    Before we dive into the AsyncPipe, let's understand what asynchronous data is in the context of an Angular application. In Angular, asynchronous data is any data that is not immediately available when the application starts. This data usually comes from an external data source, such as an API, database, or file system. It is fetched using asynchronous programming techniques, such as Promises or Observables.

    Asynchronous data can be challenging to work with because it is not immediately available to the application. Angular provides various techniques for handling asynchronous data, such as callbacks, Promises, and Observables. However, these techniques can be complex and require a lot of boilerplate code.

    AsyncPipe is a powerful tool that simplifies the handling of asynchronous data in Angular applications.

    What is AsyncPipe?

    AsyncPipe is a built-in pipe in Angular that helps you work with asynchronous data. It allows you to subscribe to an Observable or Promise and then returns the latest value emitted by that Observable or Promise. AsyncPipe handles subscribing and unsubscribing automatically, so you don't need to manage subscriptions manually.

    AsyncPipe follows the principle of reactive programming, which is a programming paradigm that focuses on asynchronous data streams and propagation of changes. In reactive programming, data is represented as an Observable, which is a stream of data that emits values over time. AsyncPipe subscribes to these data streams and updates the template automatically when new values are emitted.

    How AsyncPipe Works

    AsyncPipe works by subscribing to an Observable or Promise and then returning the latest value emitted by that Observable or Promise. When the value changes, AsyncPipe detects the change and updates the template automatically.

    In Angular, AsyncPipe can be used in the template, like any other pipe. To use AsyncPipe, you need to include it in the template and pass the Observable or Promise as an argument. Here's an example:

    <p>{{ data$ | async }}</p>

    In this example, the Observable is passed to AsyncPipe using the pipe operator '|', and then the async keyword is used to apply the AsyncPipe.

    The 'data$' Observable is prefixed with a dollar sign, which is a naming convention used in Angular for Observables. It indicates that the variable is an Observable and helps you identify Observables in your code easily.

    When the template loads, Angular internally subscribes to the 'data$' Observable using AsyncPipe. The AsyncPipe subscribes to the Observable, and when a new value is emitted, it updates the template automatically.

    The Benefits of Using AsyncPipe

    AsyncPipe provides several benefits when working with asynchronous data in Angular applications. These benefits include:

    • Simplifies Code: AsyncPipe simplifies code by removing the need for manual subscription and unsubscription of Observables. This reduces boilerplate code and makes your code more concise and easier to understand.
    • Automatic Change Detection: AsyncPipe automatically detects changes to Observables and updates the template without the need for manual change detection.
    • Reduces Memory Leaks: AsyncPipe automatically unsubscribes from Observables when the component is destroyed, reducing memory leaks and improving performance.

    Using AsyncPipe with Observables

    Let's see how to use AsyncPipe with Observables in Angular.

    To use AsyncPipe with Observables, you need to create an Observable using the RxJS library and then pass it to the AsyncPipe in the template.

    Here's an example of how to create an Observable using the RxJS library:

    import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
    const data$ = new Observable((observer) => {
      setTimeout(() => {'Hello, World!');
      }, 1000);

    In this example, we have created a new Observable using the 'Observable' constructor from the RxJS library. The Observable emits a single value after a delay of one second. The 'next' method is used to emit the value, and the 'complete' method is called to indicate that no more values will be emitted.

    To use AsyncPipe with this Observable, we need to pass it to the AsyncPipe in the template:

    <p>{{ data$ | async }}</p>

    In this example, we have used the AsyncPipe to subscribe to the 'data$' Observable and display the latest value emitted by the Observable in the template. The 'async' keyword is used to apply the AsyncPipe to the Observable.

    Using AsyncPipe with Promises

    AsyncPipe can also be used with Promises in Angular.

    To use AsyncPipe with Promises, you need to create a Promise that resolves with the data you want to display and then pass it to the AsyncPipe in the template.

    Here's an example of how to create a Promise in Angular:

    const dataPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        resolve('Hello, World!');
      }, 1000);

    In this example, we have created a new Promise that resolves with the string 'Hello, World!' after a delay of one second.

    To use AsyncPipe with this Promise, we need to pass it to the AsyncPipe in the template:

    <p>{{ dataPromise | async }}</p>

    In this example, we have used the AsyncPipe to subscribe to the 'dataPromise' Promise and display the resolved value in the template.


    AsyncPipe is a powerful tool for handling asynchronous data in Angular applications. It provides several benefits, including simplifying code, automatic change detection, and reducing memory leaks. AsyncPipe works by subscribing to an Observable or Promise and then returning the latest value emitted by that Observable or Promise. Using AsyncPipe can help you write better Angular code and make your applications more efficient and responsive.

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